Friday, August 5, 2011


So I decided to change the blog's appearance. I had to make several aesthetic choices in this.

I could go for one of several ways: to change little or even remove much, adding a minimalist feel to the blog; to overload it with various stylized components to add style, to make it look standardized and normal, or maybe even to change nothing at all. In the end, I decided to set several goals for the appearance of the blog.

  1. Make the blog easy on the eyes to read.
  2. Add some small form of style if it did not conflict with the first objective.

I thought then of a classic website whose website I admired: Maddox. That's right, the greatest website in the world. He used a black background with a darkened text on most pages. I had always found that very easy on the eyes as opposed to the high contrast black on white (or worse, white on black!) layout which is the basic norm across the internet. So I... shamelessly took it, I suppose. Hmph.

Either way, I soon was faced with the decision of a background. Leaving it blank would be distasteful, I thought. I decided on a stylized match lighting, but I don't think that's very well at all. Anyone have any suggestions for background? And do you all like the style?


Comic Book Club said...

love it. But change the color of the font

Clotifoth said...

too dark? Yeah, I suppose it could use some lightening.

Canihas said...

well i've never encountered a website that was "hard" on the eyes so i've never had a preference, but whatever works for people works.

gog magog said...

i actually find the dark background, dim text thing harder to read. maybe its just me?

Jake said...

looks good, and im lookin forward to seeing more :D

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I personally feel that dark text on white is easier on the eyes, but I share your love for Maddox's site. This is fine how you have it now though. I like it.

Brandon said...

Hmm. Insightful or roundabout, it still made me think. I'll keep my eye on you. You're good.

SuperCrabby said...

I agree that it is a bit dark and the background is a bit bright too but it is okay once I go to the actual post.