What is anticipation? It could be defined as the anxiety experienced by one prior to the occurance of an event. Oxford defines it as
the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction:begging the question of how to define anticipate, which from the same source is
regard as probable; expect or predict:I suppose these are all valid definitions. Anticipate can mean to regard as probable, or to expect or predict, when used as a verb. However, I am talking about the emotion anticipation. The feelings that are evoked by the word, as opposed to the mechanical definition thereof.
Anticipation is the driver of life. Anticipation is the sight of the future over the distant horizon; the captain using his spyglass to see just what lies over the horizon. With the distant horizon comes a realization, that the captain must arrive to this horizon in order to pass it to the bountiful land abroad. And thus he does not sulk in his labors, nor does he refuse to take part in life aboard, assuming that the horizon will come soon. It is only by the masterful handling of the rigging and sails as directed by the captain that the ship can move to the goal and beyond. The captain must work towards his goal, or else his anticipation will be unfulfilled. Such is anticipation the driver of life. Anticipation gives you a constant sight of your goal, to drive you in your efforts, to reassure you that if you are met with success, your goal is guaranteed to come.
always gotta anticipate what is in stored for one
oh my gawd i loved the new planet of the apes
you always have to have a plan B
I love anticipation, I anticioate my next moment of anticipation!
Love Planet of the Apes. I want to go see the new movie SO badly...
So, was the movie any good?
^ Yes, yes, and YESSSSSS.
gotta see the new one, looks good!
I am anticipating a lot of reply's about anticipation.
Anticipation is my bane.
You have some great thoughts running through you head...
Also I gotta check out that Planet of the Apes movie soon heard it was dank as fuck
I've read the word "anticipation" so much I'm anticipating it to stop making sense.
Man metaphors are so deep. I love Oxford dictionaries. Good post, man, I hope to hear a lot more from you. :D I anticipate some great reading coming my way!! :D
I can't wait to see the new Planet of the Apes movie... Looks so awesome.
Was it any good?
Really interesting, can't wait for your reviews on the movie, since you enjoyed it so much.
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